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Legal Stuff

HARRY POTTER, GRYFFINDOR, HUFFLEPUFF, RAVENCLAW, and SLYTHERIN characters and names are trademarks of Warner Bros. Harry Potter publishing rights are copyrighted © JK Rowling. The characters and names contained in these web pages are owned by JK Rowling along with various publishers including, but not limited to, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. This web site is an unofficial fan page and is unaffiliated with JK Rowling, Warner Bros., or any other official entities.

This website went live on August 20, 2004.

Current URL: http://www.pchardwarelinks.com/hp/hp_legal.htm
Designed by: Chris Hare
© 2004-Present by Chris Hare

Last Updated: August 20, 2004